Do you believe in community over competition?


Do you believe in community over competition?

Everything in life is temporary. Nothing lasts forever. We needn’t hold so tightly to the things of the world, they will only disappoint us. Am I depressing you? Sorry friend, it’s just they way my mind works. I truly don’t believe my gifts are for me, or because of me. They are ‘gifts’.


The Cost of Doing Business


The Cost of Doing Business

Until you’ve ran a business for a few years, it’s easy to assume you can make a lot of money. Of course you can, but only if you know your numbers.

I am guilty of not knowing my numbers too, just happily chugging along shooting weddings, getting paid, and paying off my credit card.

When I made a major career change, and my margins became tight, I needed to get educated and make adjustments. Most of what I was doing was instinctual and that can get you pretty far, but here are some important things to consider if you want to be more intentional in your creative business.


How to Take Care of your Clients


How to Take Care of your Clients

So many of us focus on getting those valuable clients, only to not know what to do with them once we have them! We often forget that referrals are the best form of marketing.

What does it take to keep clients coming back year after year. I’ve both retained clients, and lost clients, here’s what it’s taught me.
