Hey! I am Tammy, The Happy Creative and I like to feel good, joyful, and purposeful!
Look, life is hard and things are ALWAYS going to go astray… let’s not also make choices that make our lives harder too!

As promised, here are my answers to the 5 questions I posted on Instagram last week:

1. How do I like to spend my time?

I love to have lots of alone time, I like to be outside moving in nature, I like eating good food with friends and family, I love snuggling and hugging, I am called to be creative every day and need to see this through, I love deep relevant and even hot topic conversation.

2. What are people always asking from me?

For my time, my wisdom, my energy.

3. What lights me up?

Being with other passionate people who hold truth at the forefront of their conversations. Laughing really hard about stupid shit. Encouraging people! Dancing, running, moving in nature!

4. Who/what matters most to me?

My kids, my husband, my parents, my community, my neighbors, my kid’s friends, the cabin, alone time.

5. What do I love to do?

Have sex, work on my businesses, go for walks, help women build businesses, be creative, bring others along for all my experiences, when I am not needing alone time!

I’d love to hear your answers, comment below!
