When you're faced with the uncomfortable reality of 'firing' a client, how do you do it?

Here are my 4 tips for dealing with the end of a relationship:

1. Don't Panic

Seriously, this is NOT the end of the world. Even if it feels that way.
Take a deep breathe and list the top 3 reasons why you need to let them go. This is for you, and to create boundaries and guidelines moving forward. Plan ahead friend, this isn’t the last time you’ll face this.

2. Clarify your number one reason why you are 'letting them go'

This is the reason you will share with them. Not all the reasons, just one. You do not need to explain yourself, or be defensive, but giving them one good clear reason and space to share their own thoughts will give peace to everyone involved.

3. Go above and beyond for them

How can you make this client firing a great experience?

  • write a hand written note

  • share one thing you love about them

  • give them a gift if this was a big deal, like cancelling a wedding or engagement shoot

4. Refer another photographer

Make sure you find 2-3 referrals you can trust to share with them. Reach out to these references and give them a heads up they may be hearing from this client. Refrain from giving too many details, just that you think they’ll be a better fit and why.

Good luck lovelies!
